Any Intruder Alarm System, even those that have been compliantly designed, professionally installed and certified, require a regular schedule of maintenance to ensure they are performing to the optimal standard.
Yes, we would recommend that all systems fitted with a GSM / PSTN Autodialler be maintained on an annual basis, with systems connected to a monitoring centre being maintained on a 6 monthly basis, to ensure compliance with industry and police regulations.
Every 6 or 12 months, depending on the type of system you have installed, our Engineers will carry out numerous and rigorous tests, to ensure the correct operation and location of all security system components, looking at the original design, we will take into account environmental or building changes, that may require system alterations.
Carrying out these tests will help to reduce unnecessary faults and false alarms that could potentially cause disruptions to your business.
Having a maintenance contract agreement also entitles you to the use of our emergency out of hours call service. Giving you reassurance and peace of mind that there is always an Engineer on standby should you require assistance at any time of the day or night.
The most common faults found are aged batteries that have become corroded and / or split, potentially becoming a fire hazard.
Autodiallers in fault or with outdated contacts numbers, meaning the system user cannot be notified in the event of an alarm activation.
Whilst many Insurance companies may only require an annual service, systems that are off site monitored are required to have two service visits per annum to ensure compliance with the current Industry Standards and the National Police Chief’s Council’s (NPCC) security systems policy.
With five decades in business, our company mantra of “Large enough to cope, but small enough to care” has ensured we maintain the highest standards of customer care, allowing us to forge long-lasting and continued relationships with customers, consultants and contractors alike.
This has helped us secure repeat business and recommendations that have allowed our business to grow with our clients.